Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Write a Voice Script: Pyromancer!

Posted by [S2]Idejder

So I know a lot of people are passionate about the voices in the game and I wanted to involve the community more! So I present you all an opportunity to write a script for Pyromancer. You can write a partial or get together with some friends and write a whole one. If we like it enough, we might just use your script (and let you know). If none of them are awesome all around we might merge two together. Either way, I want this one done by the community.

Here is the general setup:


Hero Name: Pyromancer
Voice style (Fill in examples of characters in movies or TV shows that you feel fit, or describe the general style of what you want him to sound like)

1 Prior Killing and 1 After Killing Phrase

6 Selection Sounds (These are sounds played when the hero is selected)

6 Selection Flavor (These are sounds played when a hero is excessively clicked and meant to be funny)

6 Confirmation Phrases (These are sounds that are played when a general order is given)

6 Confirmation Attack Phrases (These are sounds that are played when an attack order is given and should be spoken in an angrier, more inflicted, more direct voice)

1 Ill-Advised Action Phrase
1 Auto Attacking Phrase
1 Bored Phrase
1 No Mana Phrase
1 Skill Cooldown Phrase

Additional Phrases (Anything you want him to say extra or that we might use, no limit here)

Friday, November 13, 2009

0.1.54 Patch Notes

Just some minor fixes from what I can tell.

Version 0.1.54
- Fixed bottle-illusion exploit
- Gold bounty for buildings corrected to the proper amounts
* In general, the amount of gold given will be more consistent
- Added a confirmation box to the disband game button
- Darkwood Vale's northern ancient creep camp should now spawn properly
- Fix to the packet overflow issues


- Fissure is now able to target a player directly, not just a position on the ground

Blood Hunter
- Hemorrhage is now instantly applied to the target instead of using a projectile
* This also fixes an issue that was allowing Hemorrhage to be dodged with teleports

- Lava Surge is now able to target a player directly, not just a position on the ground
- Lava Surge can now be used while immobilized

- Flick will no longer flick units that are greater than 500 units away at the time of the flick
* This prevents heroes that blink/teleport from being flicked long distances

- You can no longer avoid Blazing Strike's damage by teleporting

Sand Wraith
- Dissipation's reflected damage is no longer reflected by barbed armor
- Renamed Dissipation to Dissipate
- Manifest now has a Disjoint call in it

Witch Slayer
- Attack Immunity removed from the 'bounce' part of Graveyard
- Miniaturization cast time set to 0 (from 300ms)
- Graveyard's animation is now shorter, making it easier to queue up abilities
- Graveyard speed increased to 1600 form 1400
- Graveyard is now able to target a player directly, not just a position on the ground
- Nothing happens anymore if you target a unit without a mana pool with Power Drain
- You can no longer avoid Silver Bullet's damage by disjointing the projectile

Wretched Hag
- Recommended items tweaked

Upcoming Patch Info

So I figured I would fill you in on what is going on around here this week.

First of all, we most likely will patch this week (hopefully). That's the good news, as you will get fixes, balance tweaks, and some other fun stuff hopefully.

The "bad" news is that most likely it will not include a new Hero this week.

- I am working on Voice Work so that the now-mute heroes can start talking and saying silly things you all enjoy. After I finish getting a lot of this done I am going to work on tweaking Darkwood Vale to improve it significantly.
- Fielding is working on some cool hero reworks and tweaks along with a few secret projects. More details to come.
- The Artists are hard at work making two new heroes (not ports) and some new neutral models so we can add in some new neutrals with new abilities.
- Our programmers are working on the matchmaking system, chat server, server stability, working on making replays viewable by you guys, and some general gameplay code needed for the new heroes and fixes.
- Our twittering intern ( is working on the map editor so when we get it out to you guys it's not in such a rough state.
- Our web guys just put up our replays and players webpages (see the sticky) and are working on completing those sites and opening up more of our website to you soon.

Not all of this is coming out in the next patch, I am merely explaining that there are a lot of things going on at once. =]